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Jay WMarksMDis a board-certified internist and gastroenterologistHe graduated from Yale University School of Medicine and trained in internal medicine and gastroenterology at UCLA/Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

Take this medication exactly as it was prescribed for youDo not take the medication in larger amountsor take it for longer than recommended by your doctorFollow the directions on your prescription label.

NoteYou can reduce your chances of drug interactions by having all of your prescriptions filled at the same pharmacyThat waya pharmacist can check for possible drug interactions.

Before using this medicationwomen of childbearing age should talk with their doctor(sabout the benefits and riskssuch as miscarriagetrouble getting pregnantTell your doctor if you are pregnant or if you plan to become pregnantDuring pregnancythis medication should be used only when clearly neededIt is not recommended for use during the first and last trimesters of pregnancy due to possible harm to the unborn baby and interference with normal labor/delivery.

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