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Abuse abilify is a drug prescribed for the treatment of depression.

Information about Abilify.
The Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Bristol-Myers Squibb alleging the drug company promoted Abilify for off-label use, in violation of federal law. The lawsuit alleges the drug was promoted for use in the treatment of dementia-related psychosis and for pediatric use. The lawsuit was settled for $515 million.
Gellad tells NPR that while Abilify MyCite might not be attractive to patients, it may appeal to caregivers and family members who worry about whether a person has taken his medication. Most of the other current tracking options involve pill bottles that track whether they’ve been opened, he says.
Abilify MyCite is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder, and as an add-on treatment for depression in adults.
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